
Would you like to change your manual lead capture process? Find out in our webinar how you can use Lemontaps to efficiently capture contact data, digitize your lead form and automatically transfer it as data to the CRM.

What to expect in the webinar:

- Efficient lead capture: Learn how to capture contact data quickly and easily with Lemontaps.

- Digital lead form: See how you can digitize and customize your lead form to meet your needs.

- Automated CRM Synchronization: Discover how you can automatically transfer captured leads to your CRM system in a GDPR compliant way.

- Legally compliant and efficient: Learn how to ensure GDPR compliance while optimizing the capture process.
- Interactive Q&A session: Ask your questions and get answers from our expert Michelle Bätge (Sales Manager).

Our speakers:
- Anna Loerzer, Managing Director: As Managing Director of Lemontaps, Anna brings extensive experience in the digitalization of business processes. Her expertise will help you get the most out of digital business cards.
- Michelle Bätge, Sales Manager: Michelle is your contact person when it comes to the practical implementation and benefits of digital business cards for your company.

We are giving away free Lemontaps NFC cards to 20 participants*.

Register now and secure your place!