High-quality digital products are an integral part of the market today. They alone make great things happen every day and take a lot of stress out of the daily grind of our professional lives. But what actually is "high-value" in the context of digital products?
What about a digital business card that you can create using our Lemontaps website? We've taken a closer look at the different features of a high-quality digital product and want to summarize them here today.
What does high-quality mean in the context of the digital business card?
What does high-quality mean to you? Do you associate this word more with a monetary value or is something high quality for you if the quality is right? Perhaps the value of a product is expressed for you in numbers and you measure the value on the basis of winning new customers.
What determines the quality of digital products?
If we want to examine high-quality in terms of the digital business card, we first have to find out what high-quality digital products actually are. And what criteria there are for evaluating the quality of these products.
User Experience
For some, the user experience will play a decisive role in whether it is worth investing in the digital business card QR code and recognizing the change from paper business cards to digital networking as high-quality.
Customer experience is a critical factor in assessing quality. If your employees as well as your customers get along very well with the product digital business card and recognize the added value in it, the digital business card will be recognized as being of higher quality than a paper business card.
Trust is another point in relation to assessing whether a digital product such as the business card is valued. One's own data is entrusted and one networks with it online and offline. High-quality therefore means having a contact person you can trust and who will help you if you have a problem or a question about the product.
More functions than the traditional product paper business card
Nowadays, a product is also of higher value if it offers more functions than a previous product such as the paper business card.
Why a digital business card with QR code is more valuable than a printed paper business card?
First: Per QR code scan more possibilities
A digital business card QR code is more valuable than a printed paper business card because it offers more opportunities to introduce yourself and present your contact details.
Second: Update files and contact information
a digital business card QR code is more valuable than a printed paper business card because it is easy to change and update. When your contact information changes, you no longer have to go through the expense and hassle of having new business cards printed.
Update QR code via smartphone or any other device
Instead, you can simply update the QR code and customize your contact information directly on your digital business card. This way you can ensure that your contact information is always up to date - which is especially important when you give your business card to customers or other business partners.
Sustainability aspect is writ large
A digital business card QR code is more sustainable than a printed paper business card because it does not consume paper. Also the production of a digital business card QR code is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than the production of a printed paper business card. Updating is uncomplicated without a printer, you enter your latest data yourself via smartphone or other end device and your customers also receive it automatically when they want to contact you.
Third: More functions with QR code business card
A digital business card QR code offers more features than a printed paper business card. For example, with the digital version, you can add links to your social media profile pages, add videos, and more. This gives the people who receive your business card a deeper insight into your business or what you are working on.
More space for information
A printed paper business card usually contains only name, address and phone number. A QR code business card, on the other hand, can contain an infinite number of files, which means it contains more information about you than a printed paper business card.
Share with people not only general information like first name, last name and company, but also other ways to reach you like an email address to learn more about you and your business. A profile picture and a button to the next event you are planning will pique the curiosity of your business card recipients.
Another example: maybe a client wants to network with you via LinkedIn profile, also you can add this link to your professional networks, all in your digital profile.
Build and deepen connection with others
As you can see, a digital business card is more valuable than a paper business card, because it gives you much more insight into your professional life and its features expand the possibilities of contact.
QR Code Business Card Possible uses
A QR code business card is a modern tool that helps you network your contacts and attract new customers. These small codes are capable of sharing large amounts of information. They can transmit photos, videos and even websites. By using a QR code business card, you show your customers that you are always up to date with the times. The use of a QR code business card offers many advantages for businesses.
Stand out from the general crowd and become a pioneer
For one thing, it's a cheap and sustainable alternative to traditional business cards that have to be printed on paper. Also, you can stand out from the crowd by presenting your contact details in the form of an attractive and modern QR code.
You are thus at the cutting edge
Another great advantage of this type of business card is that it can help build business relationships with customers. By allowing customers to access the company's contact details directly in their smartphone, you give them the feeling that you are on the cutting edge of technology.
This can have a great impact on the customer's decision whether to choose your company or not. In addition, the use of QR codes offers significant added value compared to traditional business cards.
Data directly accessible on smartphone
Since the data can be accessed directly via smartphone, the customer no longer needs a physical business card to call up contact data or links. All he has to do is scan the QR code and he has all the information directly on his device.
You can network everywhere
Whether you meet offline or meet online. With the digital business card, it doesn't matter where you are. You no longer have to go without networking at any time. Whether you have an event planned in your home office or you're heading to a big convention, you'll always have your vCard with you.

QR codes everywhere
Events & Fairs
When you're at an event or trade show, try to meet and talk to as many people as possible. If someone shows interest in you or your company, simply give him or her your digital business card. This way, the person can save your contact information and contact you later.
Social media channels
Feel free to add the link to your personal business card under your profile on LinkedIn or Instagram, interested people can learn more about you and contact you via email.
Create business card with QR code but without QR code generator
You don't need a QR code generator for every electronic business card.
At Lemontaps you get your QR code all automatically in your online profile to download or add for your homescreen.

Create a digital business card and try out your QR code right away. Just log in with your email address and get to your own profile right away.
There you add your name, address, company, a logo, a background image, links to social media profiles and if you want to, important files like a product presentation or an image film about your company.
Conclusion about the digital business card QR code
So the bottom line is that using a QR code business card offers a number of benefits for businesses: It is sustainable and at the same time ensures that you are always up to date - both technically and in terms of contact with your customers. Therefore, be sure to invest in a professional business card with integrated QR code and make your company fit for the future!