Create a digital business card now & record contacts 🚀

Digital business card free of charge from Lemontaps

  • Karolin Jankowski
  • Reading time - 5 min
Digital business card free of charge from Lemontaps

Lemontaps digital business card is a free tool that allows you to record, manage and share your contact information online. You can also create the Quick Response Code for your digital business card for free, which prospects can scan to get your contact information.

Create digital business card for free

It only takes a few minutes to create your free digital business card. And this is how it works:

  1. Click on the "Create digital profile" or "Start free" button
  2. Type your first and last name
  3. Specify the e-mail address you want to use
  4. Create your individual password
  5. Edit your own user profile with your data according to your wishes
Create digital business card for free

Create a digital business card yourself now with us for free.

In just five steps you have created your free business card. Create digital business card for free now.

Share your profile

Now start networking online and offline. The recipient receives your data clearly and logically sorted. With one click he can access important information from you.

NFC business card as a supplement to the digital business card

Feel free to check out our NFC business card and leave a lasting impression with a physically durable business card.

NFC business card as a supplement to the digital business card

Your free Quick Response Code - everything you need!

You can also use Lemontaps purely digitally. Sharing your contact information, your links and your files also works with the free digital business card. Once you have created your digital business card for free, set up your digital profile, you can generate a QR code. This QR code will then take you to your digital business card when scanned. This QR code gives you the opportunity to share your profile.

QR code generator

Code Generator is a free online service that lets you create and download QR codes. You enter all your essential information into your user interface and from this your code will be generated.

QR Codes can be used to store a variety of information, such as contact details, URLs or text. QR codes can also be scanned with a smartphone or tablet to retrieve the stored information.

Lemontaps QR Code

QR Code Lemontaps

As a user, choose your desired background

Select QR background

Generate lock screen with quick response code and matching background

Download QR background

Which other providers are there for QR code generation besides Lemontaps?

There are several providers for generating a quick response code. These include, Shopify, and a few more. Each of them offers different functions. 

Shopify Generator Test

Shopify QR Code Generator Test

Shopify does not allow you to download the code directly. The options for linking and uploading files are limited.

Test of the GOQR.ME application

GOQR.ME Generator under test

At GOQR.ME you choose between text, URL, vcard, email, website, call, SMS, event and geolocation. However, you cannot enter and save multiple files at the same time.

Flowcode Generator Test

Flowcode QR Code Generator

Color selection for the two-dimensional code

As an alternative to Shopify and GOQR.ME, Flowcode lets you choose colors for the code. However, it must be said that the stronger the contrast in the color choice, the better the code will be read when scanned. Therefore, the color combination of black and white is the most professional.

Unnecessary functions

This feature is more or less not needed for the competent use of a Quick Response Code. You can still insert only a link, either to a website or to a file.

Disadvantage: Only single links divisible

This is to the disadvantage if you want to summarize as much data as possible compactly in one overview. Then the vcard from Lemontaps, where you can enter your desired data, is the better choice.

What features do we prefer from Lemontaps?

At Lemontaps, we want you to be able to network as effectively and extensively as possible. Especially in the field of business communication, it is often about standing out from the competition and having added value. Important files and additional contact information can make all the difference. Take advantage of the opportunities we offer you.

In a few seconds you will receive your code to scan

Do you want to leave a digital business card for your customers or business partners? Then the QR Code Generator from Lemontaps is just what you need. Our free online service generates a personalized code for you in just a few seconds, which you can then place on your website, email signature or printed documents.

Digital business card free of charge

What is embedded in the QR code?

Your contact details such as name, email address, phone number and company website are embedded in the QR code and can be read immediately by any smartphone or tablet PC. Scanning the QR code with your smartphone automatically opens the contact form on the Lemontaps website, where your contact details can be entered.

Share digital business cards for free - possibilities

You can share your digital business card not only with the generated QR code. These are the ways to share your contact information:

  • The link of your digital business card can be copied
  • Social media profiles
  • QR code as mobile lock screen
  • Code as background in video calls or recorded videos
  • QR code in printed form
  • Business card on the website
  • Link company on Youtube
  • Share business card in apps

Digital business card free of charge at online meetings

Alternatively, you can embed the QR code on your website, which will redirect the visitor directly to your online store or Facebook page.

Many advantages that are free of charge and digital!

The free digital business card from Lemontaps offers many advantages. Setting up your digital business card is quick and easy. After a few mouse clicks you have set up your free digital business card.

Sharing all your contact information works smoothly for free.

Data easily updatable

Digital business cards are a great way to give people your contact information without having to carry around a whole bunch of business cards. You can easily customize and update them as your contact information changes. On top of that, you don't have to print a new business card ever. That saves both time, resources and money!

Supports companies in their relationship management with business partners

By using a digital business card, businesses can connect with their target audience, promote their brands and attract new customers. This digital card contains all the important information about you and your company so that people can quickly contact you if they are interested in your products or services.

Sustainability of the free digital business cards

The idea behind the digital business card is primarily that it is environmentally friendly and easily scalable for businesses.

By creating a digital business card that is made from recyclable material, you can ensure that your business card is sustainable. Lemontaps offers NFC cards made of wood, metal, plastic all 100% digital.

Minimize CO2 footprint

Nowadays, the environment is a very sensitive issue that more and more people are aware of. An important advantage of the digital business card is that companies have a chnace to minimize their carbon footprint and thus contribute to environmental protection.

Usable everywhere

You can display them in your email signature or on your website, so your contact information is always at your fingertips when you need it.

Does not get lost

The digital business card can not be lost, because your information is permanently stored on a server. So you always have your data available and can send it immediately.

Easily shareable on social networks

Use the digital business card for free and in many ways, that's what we at Lemontaps encourage you to do. You can also share your digital business card on social networks like LinkedIn or Xing. 

Biggest advantage

But the biggest advantage is that you always have your digital business card with you. Forgetting your business card at home was yesterday, because you always have your smartphone with you.

Create your free digital business card.


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