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Sustainability - More important than ever

  • Marius Wolf
  • Reading time - 3 min
Sustainability - More important than ever

Sustainability - Greener and better

In most people's minds, the topic of sustainability is first associated with the food sector. Then with the cosmetics and clothing industry. In truth, however, it is not so much entire industries that are taking on a pioneering role. Rather, it is the case that individual companies in very different industries are placing increasing emphasis on sustainability.

This ranges from banks to construction companies to technology companies. The sustainability movement is here and it's here to stay. Customers are becoming more concerned about sustainability, and they're also willing to pay more for sustainable products. Next time, walk through the supermarket with your eyes wide open. You will notice that the organic assortment is getting bigger and more diverse every week. This movement is not just limited to the food industry.

Offering sustainable products, regardless of the industry, is becoming increasingly essential. By offering and using sustainable products, your company creates a clear competitive advantage over companies that do not offer sustainable products or do not offer them at all.  

Sustainability - What is it anyway?

Sustainability is the principle of resource neutrality. In this context, resources are only consumed to the extent that they can be regenerated. By resources, we mean both material resources such as wood and metals as well as immaterial human resources. Labor, motivation and health are among them. Trust and support are also of high social value. 

Human resources are just as essential as material resources. From the outside, therefore, it cannot be clearly judged whether a company is sustainable. What must be made clear, however, is that companies can clearly contribute to sustainable development. Accordingly, companies bear a high level of responsibility in the area of sustainability.

Sustainability in the company

When we talk about sustainability, we do not mean a status, but sustainable development. This makes it clear that we are still a long way from reaching our goal. We are merely on the way to becoming more sustainable, bit by bit.

Business and companies are the link between people's purchasing decisions and the consequences of their decisions reflect on the environment and society. Thus, it should be clear that your company has a tremendous impact on how well we do in this sustainable development.

As a basis, it is assumed that sustainable companies are those that

  • attempt to approach resource neutrality.
  • contribute to sustainable development.

If a company takes on these goals, the following key points usually help with implementation:

  • Sustainability must be understood holistically
  • All resources must be considered. Often, one only considers the resources that enable the simple and quick improvements.
  • Ambitious goals must be set
  • For sustainable development, it is not enough to do less damage. One must actively regenerate.
  • Sustainability must be implemented in all areas of the company
  • Sustainability should also play a major role in the core business
  • Communicate openly with stakeholders and partners

This makes it clear what impact one's own business activities have on others. Transparent communication about one's own progress, potential for improvement and goals is essential.

These points only form the broad framework for sustainable companies. The concrete measures must be derived and worked out individually by companies. Companies that want to set out on the path have more orientation today than ever before. Sustainable companies and those on the way there already exist in many industries and can serve as role models.

How does my company become sustainable?

For all companies, the following 4 dimensions are critical to effectively embed and implement sustainability:

  • Materiality

Companies should find out where they really have a major impact and where they do not. This means analytically working out the key sustainability aspects.

  • Sustainability competence

Anchoring sustainability strategically and implementing it successfully is a business competence. Employees must therefore be empowered to understand and execute sustainability.

  • Sustainability Strategy

A sustainability strategy is needed for clear orientation and permanent anchoring in the company.

  • Corporate culture for sustainability

Companies are the sum of the people who work there. Everyone must pull together. Only when sustainability becomes part of everyone's conversations, personal goals, everyday work and vision can it be firmly anchored in your company on a permanent basis.

In our next blog article you will learn which measures will make your company sustainable.

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